US hydropower restoration projects offer stimulus for project cargo demand
A growing need to replace aging US hydropower units adds weight to project demand from the renewable energy sector. Source link
A growing need to replace aging US hydropower units adds weight to project demand from the renewable energy sector. Source link
Ongoing Red Sea effect reaches deep into Asia-Europe trade lane While carriers can offset some operating costs by raising rate levels, reducing carbon emissions on voyages that are taking two weeks longer is becoming increasingly important as decarbonization regulations tighten. Source link
The Federal Maritime Commission said that it needs more information about the new grouping of ocean carriers known as the Premier Alliance before the vessel-sharing agreement can begin in February on US trades. Source link
The Asia-North America trade will be featured on 13 of the initial 24 services inaugurated by the ONE-HMM-Yang Ming partnership. Source link
Trans-Pac settles into sedate December before New Year’s uncertainties The extensive frontloading of imports that occurred this fall will keep cargo volumes modest this month, but the vagaries of labor negotiations and new tariffs threaten to disrupt the market in short order. Source link
Trans-Pac settles into sedate December before New Year’s uncertainties The extensive frontloading of imports that occurred this fall will keep cargo volumes modest this month, but the vagaries of labor negotiations and new tariffs threaten to disrupt the market in short order. Source link
Strong bookings out of Asia require more capacity than carriers can provide, which, according to Hapag-Lloyd, is having the predictable impact on prices. Source link
Rail executives assured investors that the availability of labor and other nearshoring opportunities in Mexico will keep North American trade strong, regardless of tariffs. Source link
Canada’s anti-trust enforcer said laws already on the books adequately cover the liner industry, but it has no ability to police freight rates or service levels. Source link
US maritime regulators are investigating reports that the Spanish government has blocked US-flag Maersk ships carrying military cargoes for Israel from calling Algeciras. Source link